The process of building this website.
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Made new pages for 2021 blog posts. Happy New Year.
Learned how to make tables from W3Schools. Separated the 31 minutos section into five tables, one for each season and one for the special episodes.
Added more resources to the main Spanish page, separated them into more specific categories, and noted which ones I hadn't used yet.
Found out that you can get a shareable link for a comment on a YouTube video. Now if someone says something useful or funny, I can include a link to their comment. First attempt was in Spanish #63, and then I went back and edited my old posts. Styled them using <div class="comment">, which is also what I use for styling forum posts.
Learned about the different attributes that the <ol> tag supports: reversed, start, and type. Used type="a" to mimic the way SpanishDict formats its definitions. first attempt was also in Spanish #63.
Added a 31 minutos section to the main Spanish page. Mainly to keep track of which episodes have captions.
Added an id attribute to the heading of each blog post so I can link to specific posts. For example: id="59" on the heading for #59.
This whole time I've been typing in lowercase (except for quotes). But then I got worried about the future. What if I changed my mind and wanted to use mixed case for everything? Looked it up in W3Schools, and it turns out there's a fucking text-transform property. So I went back and edited this entire website.
Still moving old posts from my previous blog to this blog. Made it to Spanish #23 today, which has a part copied from a forum thread. Decided to try styling it inside a <div> element instead of taking a screenshot. (Used the W3Schools guide on the border property.) Turned out pretty nice.
Considered adding class attributes to <i> elements because that's what the HTML Living Standard recommends. (Today was my first time visiting WHATWG's website and finding out what a "living standard" even is.) Then I realized using quotation marks for use–mention distinctions would be way easier, so I just got rid of all of the <i> tags. I'm too indecisive.
Added an art page. Added a header and footer to every page. (Learned from W3Schools that headers and footers are semantic elements.) In the footer I put a link that brings you back to the top of the page. Didn't do anything fancy, just added id="top" to the h1 tag.
Added a math page. Was looking up how to italicize the title of a math textbook when I landed on the W3Schools page for the <i> tag. That page led me to the <cite> tag (which is for titles of creative works, like books or movies), the <dfn> tag (which is for terms that will be defined), and the <em> tag (which is for making screen readers add verbal emphasis). The <i> tag is for anything else you want to italicize, like technical terms, foreign words, or thoughts. Edited my old blog posts to add <i> to help with use–mention distinction. Also added <cite> when referencing 31 minutos.
Did a bit of research into how to properly link stuff. The Wikipedia page for nofollow was helpful. Decided to nofollow a link to a wikiHow article, because it's wikiHow.
Started moving the old posts from my previous blog to this blog. Needed a way to separate them from the new ones, and I decided to just use a sentence in a different color. Learned from W3Schools the three ways to insert CSS, and considered using an internal style sheet to change the color of that specific sentence. Ended up using a class attribute instead.
Brackets, the text editor I use, didn't like when I typed an ampersand by itself, which reminded me that some characters are reserved in HTML. Went to W3Schools to read about HTML entities. Useful entities to remember are & (ampersand), < (less than), > (greater than), and (non-breaking space).
Learned from W3Schools how to link to a specific part of a page using the id attribute. That should make the blog pages easier to navigate as they get longer.
Completed the Neocities HTML tutorial. Created several pages: Index, Spanish, Spanish blog, Japanese, Japanese blog, and Updates. W3Schools helped me with everything the Neocities tutorial didn't cover, specifically how to style link states using pseudo-classes, how to increase spacing between list items, and how to change fonts.